Solar energy - Fundamentals
How does a solar power plant work?
A photovoltaic system (PV system) converts sunlight into electrical current with the help of solar cells. PV systems consist of solar cells, inverters and a substructure with which the solar cells are mounted on the roof surface.
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The sun’s potential
Each and every day the sun radiates a multiple of the energy requirements of the world population to earth. Thus, every day the sun sends 10,000 times more energy to earth than all its people consume on that one day.
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How can you sell power from solar power plants?
Every operator of a photovoltaic system can sell the current he or she produces to the local grid operator, namely at a price guaranteed by law for a period of 20 years. As soon as the solar facility is connected to the grid, the operator receives a monthly credit for the electricity that has been fed in.
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Prerequisites for the condition of the roof
Most houses are suited for the installation and long-term operation of a PV system. Prior to any installation we check the property and especially the condition of the roof. That is the only way for material selection and project planning customized to the individual roof to be effected.
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What income does the PV system generate?
The amount of annually producible power of a solar plant depends on several factors, such as the orientation and inclination of the modules and naturally also the total capacity of the system. This, in turn, depends largely on the (roof) surface available for the PV modules.
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